Archives for أبريل 2016

Mother Discovers Police In Child’s Bedroom After They Entered Unannounced

“She did not identify herself; and she was then sitting next to my child, touching her … hair.”

Cheryl Yurkowski endured a beating from police after discovering a stranger sitting on her daughter bed and demanding they leave.

Ontario, Canada — If you woke to find someone in your four-year-old daughter’s bedroom who refused to identify themselves to you or explain their presence in your house, what would you do? In the case of Cheryl Yurkowski — who lives in Ontario, Canada — you attempt to defend your child, your home, and yourself. Cheryl’s ordeal began after having

State Dept Never Heard Of Obama’s ‘No Boots On The Ground’ In Syria

There’s confusion in Washington over the US president’s order to send an extra 250 troops to Syria. Barack Obama had repeatedly pledged to avoid putting boots on the ground – although according to the State Department, that’s not the case.

بواسطة RT
President Barack Obama wipes away tears from his eyes as he speaks in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2016, about steps his administration is taking to reduce gun violence. Also on stage are stakeholders, and individuals whose lives have been impacted by the gun violence. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Arizona Poll Worker Confirms Rigged Primary

The election rigging was so obvious that a hearing was held the following week in the House Gallery to discuss possible courses of action to correct it.

بواسطة Matt Agorist

As the Free Thought Project reported, voter suppression in Maricopa County, and the rest of Arizona ran rampant last month during the primary. The number of polling locations was drastically reduced, leaving many voters with a wait time of 5 hours just to vote. Others were left with no voting locations at all. The election rigging was so obvious

Australian Politician Sets Methane-Laden River On Fire To Protest Fracking

A chemical engineer for Imperial Oil described the need to control all forms of pollution through regulatory action, noting that ‘a problem of such size, complexity and importance cannot be dealt with on a voluntary basis.’

بواسطة Deirdre Fulton

An Australian elected official set fire to a river in Queensland this weekend in an act of protest against the coal seam gas industry, stating that fracking causes methane to seep into the river. In a video posted to his official Facebook page, Greens MP Jeremy Buckingham can be seen leaning over the side of an aluminum boat on the Condamine

Bernie Sanders Says US ‘Kill List’ Legal, Backs Troops In Syria

Sanders went on to say: “There are people out there who want to kill Americans, who want to attack this country, and I think we have a lot of right to defend ourselves.” However, “it has to be done in a constitutional, legal way.”

بواسطة teleSUR
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., during a campaign rally in Hartford, Conn., Monday, April 25, 2016.

People in the United States have "a lot of right to defend ourselves," presidential contender Bernie Sanders said at a town hall meeting Monday when asked if he too would have an extrajudicial "kill list" like President Barack Obama. The senator from Vermont also endorsed Obama's recent deployment of another 250 soldiers to Syria as part of the war

Hillary Clinton’s Corporate Cronyism

When it comes to Clinton’s success in politics, journalist Abby Martin warns: “Her conservative past is more tied to her rise than she wants you to know.”

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at her presidential primary election night rally, Tuesday, April 26, 2016, in Philadelphia.

WASHINGTON --- Abby Martin, a leading alternative journalist, accuses Hillary Clinton of being a political shapeshifter who is “morphing her positions to try to capture support” from supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders. In an April 17 episode of “The Empire Files,” the investigative news program Martin hosts on TeleSUR English, she promised to