Archives for أبريل 2016

By Making Russia A Threat, Hawks Get More Money From Taxpayers

Washington is planning to quadruple its military spending to counter Russia’s alleged threat in Europe. The initiative is estimated to cost US taxpayers 3.4 billion dollars. Radio Sputnik discussed the issue with Dr. Martin McCauley, political analyst and senior lecturer at the University of London on Eastern Europe.

بواسطة Sputnik News
US military. army soldiers

“This is nothing new, this number has been brought up before, 3.4 billion dollars with which they want to put a brigade in Europe which will be rotated. This all has been in the public domain for quite some time so therefore, one would expect that it did go through because it doesn’t seem like there is much opposition to it because it has been well

WI Governer Signs Bill Blocking Immigrants And Homeless From Getting IDs To Vote

Walker Signs Bill Blocking Communities From Issuing IDs For Voting.

بواسطة Associated Press
Former presidential candidate Scott Walker. Photo: Morry Gash/AP)

Gov. Scott Walker has signed a bill that hinders Milwaukee's efforts to provide local photo IDs to the homeless, immigrants in the country illegally and others who have difficulty obtaining state IDs. The Republican-backed bill prohibits towns and counties from spending money on or issuing photo IDs. It also prohibits using city or village IDs

Trump, Clinton Both Refuse To Explain Why They Share Same Address In Delaware

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump share something pertinent in common.

Donald Trump and Melania Trump with Hillary Rodham Clinton and Bill Clinton at Trump's wedding.

Wilmington, DE — As it turns out, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump share something pertinent in common, after all — a tax haven cozily nested inside the United States. This brick-and-mortar, nondescript two-story building in Wilmington, Delaware would be awfully crowded if its registered occupants — 285,000 companies — actually resided

Police Caught Spying On Social Media To Track Anyone Who Talks About Flint Water Crisis

According to MLive, officials with the Michigan State Police have been conducting online surveillance for comments about Flint’s lead contamination crisis.


After needlessly contaminating Flint’s water supply with lead, a new report reveals the government now monitors social media for hints subversive communications relating to the Flint Water Crisis. According to MLive, officials with the Michigan State Police have been conducting online surveillance for comments about Flint’s lead contamination

83 Senators Demand Obama Boost Aid To Israel

Just a week ago Israeli officials confirmed that President Obama had offered a $40 billion proposal to cover the next 10 years, but that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refused to accept it, seeking more.

بواسطة Jason Ditz
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, center, eats fruit during the weekly cabinet meeting, in Jerusalem, Sunday, Jan. 24, 2016. Netanyahu has demanded additional aid from the U.S. on top of the more than $3 Billion Israel already receives. (Abir Sultan/Pool Photo via AP)A

83 US Senators have signed a letter today demanding that President Obama quickly reach a new military aid deal with Israel, and one that is worth considerably more than the $3 billion annually that Israel is already receiving. The letter claimed Israel needs more money to “defend itself.” The demand seems particularly ill-timed, however, as just

Despite Thawing Relations, Cubans Still Resisting Subversive US Policies Towards Cuba

Cubans retain an an ongoing resistance to US ideological war.

بواسطة teleSUR

Before leaving Montreal for Havana in March 2016 to cover  Obama's trip to Havana, I wrote an article on Cuba–US relations. Referring to the cultural war to include, in the broad sense of the term, ideological and political aggression, I asked: “The question is, will Obama’s visit to Cuba provide Cubans the opportunity to make headway against the