Archives for فبراير 2019

Debunking the Lies About the Venezuela Humanitarian Aid Showdown

By provoking a series of violent confrontations along the Colombian and Brazilian borders, the Trump-backed opposition has managed to manufacture a false narrative designed to delegitimize the Maduro government and justify further foreign military intervention.

Venezuela | Humanitarian Aid

February 23 saw the latest attempt by the White House, its right-wing regional allies, and self-proclaimed “Interim President” Juan Guaido to oust the Venezuelan government of Nicolas Maduro, this time by trying to undermine Maduro’s authority and forcibly violate Venezuela’s borders under the pretext of bringing in “humanitarian aid.” Given

Britain’s Unreported Bombing of Iraq and Syria

Though largely unreported, Britain has launched 244 drone and airstrikes in Iraq and Syria during 2018, firing 512 munitions.

بواسطة TruePublica
syria casualties

Back in 2016, The Guardian published a piece about The Chilcott Report and how Britain should be more careful over civilian deaths in the battlegrounds of the Mid-East. “Future British governments must make a greater effort to assess the number of civilians being killed and injured during their military operations, the Chilcot report says, after

Talks Falter As Trump Refuses North Korea’s Call for Sanctions Relief

Even armchair observers probably understood long before the Hanoi summit had even been scheduled that the gulf between the American and North Korean positions on denuclearization was probably too wide to overcome (after nearly a year of talks, the two sides are no closer to a deal). Yet, President Trump had apparently hoped that the […]

Donald Trump | Kim Jong Un

Even armchair observers probably understood long before the Hanoi summit had even been scheduled that the gulf between the American and North Korean positions on denuclearization was probably too wide to overcome (after nearly a year of talks, the two sides are no closer to a deal). Yet, President Trump had apparently hoped that the pomp and

Non-Military Federal Agencies Under Trump Expand Already Enormous Arsenals

Given that during the height of the Iraq War the Army used around 6 million rounds per month, with its planned purchase of 1.6 billion rounds, DHS would have ammo left over after matching the Army’s peak daily outpouring of hot lead for two solid decades.

بواسطة Whitney Webb
Ammunition | Weapons

WASHINGTON -- The massive purchases of ammo and weapons by non-military federal agencies, like the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Social Security Administration (SSA), that first began under the Obama administration has continued unabated under the Trump administration, while receiving less media coverage. According to a report released last

The Holes in Jorge Ramos’ Story About His Clash with Nicolas Maduro

Univision’s Ramos claims that his belongings were confiscated and his phone was wiped. Miraculously enough, and conveniently for Ramos’ story, the footage that allegedly enraged Maduro survived.

Venezuela Jorge Ramos

MIAMI -- Jorge Ramos, veteran journalist for the Univision network, was welcomed back to the U.S. with open arms by the establishment press corp following his three-hour detention during a Trump administration-approved journalistic excursion in Venezuela complete with an interview with President Nicolas Maduro. Upon his return to the U.S., Ramos

With Oil, Water and Iran as Targets, US on Brink of Recognizing Israeli Sovereignty Over Golan Heights

Israel is now pushing for the U.S. to recognize its sovereignty over the Golan for fear of losing it completely, even though such recognition could result in an all-out war between Israel and Syria, as well as with Syrian allies such as Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah.

بواسطة Whitney Webb
Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, center, talks with Israeli soldiers at a military outpost during a visit at Mount Hermon in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights overlooking the Israel-Syria border on, Feb. 4, 2015. Baz Ratner | AP

WASHINGTON -- A new bill recently introduced in the Senate, along with its companion bill in the House, would result in the United States government recognizing Israel’s sovereignty over Syria’s Golan Heights, which has been occupied by Israel since 1967. The territory was later annexed in 1981, but the international community -- including the