Archives for مارس 2019

CODEPINK Ranks the 2020 Presidential Candidates on War, Peace and Military Spending

Medea Benjamin and Nicole Davies of CODEPINK look at a new crop of presidential candidates and examine their views – and, when possible, voting records – on issues of war and peace.

بواسطة Medea Benjamin
Elizabeth Warren | foreign policy

Forty-five years after Congress passed the War Powers Act in the wake of the Vietnam War, it has finally used it for the first time, to try to end the U.S.-Saudi war on the people of Yemen and to recover its constitutional authority over questions of war and peace. This hasn’t stopped the war yet, and President Trump has threatened to veto the

Syria’s Rukban Now Little More Than a US-Controlled Concentration Camp – and the Pentagon Won’t Let Refugees Leave

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a concentration camp is defined as “a place where large numbers of people are kept as prisoners in extremely bad conditions, especially for political reasons.” It is undeniable that the Rukban camp fits this definition to the letter.

بواسطة Whitney Webb

DAMASCUS, SYRIA -- The United States military has rejected offers to resolve the growing humanitarian crisis in the Rukban refugee camp in Syria, which sits inside a 55 km zone occupied by the U.S. along the Syria-Jordan border. The U.S. has also refused to let any of the estimated 40,000 refugees -- the majority of which are women and children --

Dow Chemical’s Gay CEO is the Latest Example of Phony “Woke” Corporations

Corporations employing the language of social justice is another phony attempt to disguise their real impact on the planet, sell us more products, and increase profits.

بواسطة Alan Macleod
Jim Fitterling | Dow Chemical

MIDLAND, MICHIGAN -- Bloomberg Businessweek recently published a fawning 2,000-word feature article about Dow Chemical and its new gay CEO, Jim Fitterling, entitled “How Dow Got Woke.” Bloomberg presents the chemical giant as an enlightened corporation with a long history of laudable political activism. It notes how the company scored a perfect

On My Visit to New Zealand: Can Christchurch Heal Our Collective Wounds?

Collective pain helps us see each other as human beings first, where our differences, however great, can never be enough to justify or even explain why 3-year-old Mucad Ibrahim had to die, along with 49 other, beautiful and innocent people.

بواسطة Ramzy Baroud
New Zealand Mosque Shooting

I visited the city of Christchurch on May 23, 2018, as part of a larger speaking tour in New Zealand that also took me to Auckland, Wellington, Hamilton and Dunedin. New Zealand is an exceptional country, different from other countries that are often lumped under the generalized designation of the ‘western world.’ Almost immediately after my

Firing on Protesters: Will Macron’s New Tactics Against the Yellow Vests Make Simmering Pot Boil Over?

France stands at a crossroads, with the Macron government attempting to drag the country in a new direction and a disunited and leaderless movement attempting to reverse this change. The outcome of this battle will shape the course of Western Europe’s largest country for decades to come.

بواسطة Alan Macleod
Genevieve Legay | Yellow Vest

NICE, FRANCE -- A 73-year-old activist is the latest casualty of French President Emmanuel Macron’s crackdown on the Gilets Jaunes protest movement. Geneviève Legay of the anti-globalization group Attac had her skull fractured by police in Nice as they charged at her during the nineteenth consecutive week of protests against the president’s

The Many Reasons to Believe Vasily Prozorov’s Testimony About Ukraine’s Role in Downing MH-17

Former Ukrainian intelligence officer Vasily Prozorov’s testimony will likely be dismissed by Western governments that support Kiev, but there is plenty of evidence to back his claims.

بواسطة Whitney Webb
MH17 | Ukraine

KIEV, UKRAINE -- A former top official in Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU), who recently fled the country, has given explosive testimony regarding the involvement of the Ukrainian government in the 2014 downing of the MH-17 passenger plane. The incident, which killed all 283 passengers and 15 flight crew members on board, had been blamed on Russia