Archives for مارس 2021

Faced with ICC Investigation, Apartheid Israel Asserts Moral Superiority Over The Victims of Its Terror

Having created enemies by its own criminal behavior, Israel then claims the right to protect itself from the very people it alienated through these criminal acts.

بواسطة Miko Peled
Israel ICC Feature photo

TEL AVIV, ISRAEL -- Israel’s army chief of staff, General Aviv Kochavi, recently commented on the International Criminal Court (ICC) decision to investigate Israel for war crimes. In his speech, General Kochavi said: There is a moral abyss that exists between us and our enemies. They do everything in order to target civilians; we do everything

As Tide Turns, Houthis Reject US, Saudi “Peace” Deals for the Recycled Trash They Are

The Houthis — empowered by six years of perseverance amid one of the most violent wars against some of the world’s most powerful military forces, not to mention the ability to reject the proposals set forth by those same powers — have little incentive to accept Riyadh or Washington’s “peace” offers.

Yemen feature photo

SANA’A, YEMEN -- March 26 marks the sixth anniversary of the U.S.-backed Saudi bombing campaign in the war-torn country of Yemen and massive demonstrations took place across the country on Friday in commemoration. Hundreds of thousands of people took the streets in the Yemeni capital of Sana’a near the besieged Sana’a International Airport, and

Will Lula Make a Comeback? Global Imperialists and Resource Extractors Shudder at the Prospect

With the potential comeback of Lula da Silva, Brazil may once again be on a path away from fascism and one that puts economic justice and anti-imperialism first.

بواسطة Alan Macleod
Brazil Lula Feature photo

BRASILIA, BRAZIL -- Will the world’s sixth most populous country move away from fascism and towards a social democracy putting economic justice and anti-imperialism first once more? That is the question on Brazilian minds right now, as earlier this month the Supreme Court dismissed all charges against former President Luis Inácio “Lula” da

خدعة استعمارية خضراء قديمة: إسرائيل تخفي الاستيلاء على الأراضي كوسيلة للحفاظ على البيئة

"يتم تخصيص المزيد والمزيد من المناطق المفتوحة في القدس الشرقية كمحميات أو حدائق وطنية، ومن الواضح أن هذا من أجل منع التنمية الحضرية الفلسطينية". — ساري كرونيش، منظمة بيمكوم الإسرائيلية لحقوق التخطيط

بواسطة Jessica Buxbaum
Israeli media incitment Feature photo

OCCUPIED EAST JERUSALEM -- For decades, a Palestinian village on the southern tip of Jerusalem has lived on and cultivated the land. But a series of recent efforts by Israel is not only threatening their way of life but potentially displacing them from their homes. On January 25, the Jerusalem District Planning Committee rejected the residents

US, Lobbyists and Arm Dealers Scramble to Reposition Amid Impending Saudi Defeat in Yemen

Recent developments in the Yemen war are increasingly pointing to the possibility that Biden’s ostensible moves towards peace may simply be an attempt to control the narrative and save face around what is looking like yet another defeat in the long-running American-sponsored global war on terror.

بواسطة Raul Diego
Saudi Yemen Feature photo

WASHINGTON -- In his last months in office, former President Donald Trump gave American defense contractors like Lockheed Martin and Reaper drone manufacturer General Atomics Aeronautical Systems billions in projected earnings through a controversial $23 billion arms deal with the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a deal now "under review" by the Biden

After 10 Years of Civil War in Syria, US (Quietly) Declares Defeat but Won’t Go Home

After a decade of bombing, invasions, exoduses and economic strife, it is clear that there are precious few winners in the Syrian Civil War — or from the rest of the Arab Spring, for that matter.

بواسطة Alan Macleod
Syria Media Bias

DAMASCUS, SYRIA -- This March marks the 10-year anniversary of the Arab Spring and the protests that rocked Syria, which were a starting point for the ongoing civil war. That conflict has led to over half a million deaths and nearly 13 million people displaced, according to some estimates. Now, after 10 years of attempts to topple the government