Archives for مارس 2022

New Great Game: Can Venezuela Negotiate an End to Deadly US Sanctions?

Now that Russia’s moves in Eastern Europe have re-ignited the ‘Great Game’ of a previous era, Venezuela, Cuba and others, though thousands of miles away, are finding themselves at the heart of the budding new Great Game

بواسطة Ramzy Baroud
US Oil Venezuela Feature photo

How the tables have turned. A high-level US delegation visited Venezuela on March 5, hoping to repair economic ties with Caracas. Venezuela, one of the world’s poorest countries partly due to US-Western sanctions is, for once, in the driving seat, capable of alleviating an impending US energy crisis if dialogue with Washington continues to move

Lula Counters FBI-Backed “Corruption” Prosecution to Lead Brazil’s 2022 Presidential Race

“At the age of 74, my heart only has room for love,” Lula told a crowd of supporters from an impromptu stage, adding that as a migrant from the poor, underserved northeast region, “there’s nothing that can beat me.”

بواسطة Julian Cola
Lula da Silva Feature photo

RIO DE JANEIRO – Former Brazilian president, and frontrunner in the upcoming October 2022 presidential election, Luíz Inácio Lula da Silva is putting four of his one-time accusers of corruption and money laundering in the dock. The initial charges and inquiries — all 25 of them — were completely dismissed earlier this month. Lula’s legal battles

A History of NATO and Nazis, with Asa Winstanley

Asa Winstanley explores post-WW2 European history and reveals how Nazis were rehabilitated and dispatched as Cold Warriors.

بواسطة Lowkey
NATO and Nazis, with Asa Winstanley Feature photo

This week Lowkey is joined by Asa Winstanley, an investigative journalist living in London, who writes about Palestine and the Middle East. He hails from the south of Wales and has been visiting Palestine since 2004. He writes for the groundbreaking Palestinian news site The Electronic Intifada, where he is an associate editor, and also writes a

Weathering the Global Storm: Why Neutrality is Not an Option for Palestinians

The Russia-Ukraine war is placing the Palestinians before one of their greatest foreign policy challenges since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

بواسطة Ramzy Baroud
Russia Palestinians Feature photo

A new global geopolitical game is in formation, and the Middle East, as is often the case, will be directly impacted by it in terms of possible new alliances and resulting power paradigms. While it is too early to fully appreciate the impact of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war on the region, it is obvious that some countries are placed in relatively

Israel Apologists Hurl Familiar Antisemitism Charges in Post-Speech Ambush of Amnesty Director

O’Brien’s transgressions were that he told the truth, spoke about the Amnesty report in great detail, and spoke from his heart.

بواسطة Miko Peled
Paul O'Brien

WASHINGTON – A typical DC storm has been brewing since Paul O'Brien, executive director of Amnesty International USA, spoke last Wednesday at the Women’s National Democratic Club (WNDC) in Washington. O'Brien gave an excellent talk about Amnesty International’s report on apartheid in Palestine and no sooner did he finish than a hand was raised to

Yemen Retaliates Against Deadly Fuel Blockade by Targeting Saudi Oil

Ansar Allah is hoping to exploit rising oil prices by targeting Saudi oil infrastructure and driving up the price of crude oil in a bid to punish the United States for its support of the Saudi-led war.

Yemen Fuel Feature photo

YEMEN-SAUDI BORDER – Under the scorching midday sun, Hakem Matari Yahya al-Buttaini’s brother was on the cusp of finally being able to purchase the 40 liters of diesel fuel for which he had been waiting in line for seven days, when he got the call. Hakem had been executed by Saudi Arabia and the news had just spread through local media. Hakem was