In recent months, news of violence between Israelis and Palestinians has become more frequent than ever. However, last week hundreds of Israelis, Palestinians, and other nationalities joined together to march for peace in Jerusalem and Washington.
A young Palestinian and Rabbi rally at White House to end U.S. tax dollars for military aid to Israel. #Palestine pic.twitter.com/YlGb1tb4tO
— Revolution News (@NewsRevo) October 17, 2015
The protests were associated with a three-day BDS solidarity wave with other demonstrations that were held at Israeli embassies in cities across Europe and South America.
The protests in Washington were primarily directed at the massive military aid packages that Israel receives from the US.
Rabbi Feldman rallies in solidarity with Palestinians for an end to Israeli occupation #GazaUnderAttack #Palestine pic.twitter.com/XJ9DFVvM7W
— Revolution News (@NewsRevo) October 17, 2015
Nejwa Ali, a Palestinian-American from Buffalo, New York told reporters, “I’ve been to Palestine before and witnessed occupation, intentional discrimination and murder of Palestinians by the Israeli military, the U.S. Government supports Israel with $3 billion a year and the Americans need to know.”
Although there is still an unfortunate amount of racism in the Middle East, most of the hate is generally fueled and stirred up by the politicians who benefit from and thrive on it, and this hateful sentiment is not shared by the vast majority of the general population.
A Palestinian family from the West Bank seeks freedom for their family abroad. pic.twitter.com/7ECLn2KM6O
— DCMediaGroup (@DCMediaGroup) October 17, 2015
While the politicians and military leaders continue to promote hate and violence, there are more and more situations popping up that are showing the path towards a more peaceful future. Many groups and individuals are stepping up, risking their public reputations and their lives to speak out for what they believe is right. What is even better is that average people are working to apply their own skills and talents towards bringing the Palestinians and Israelis together.
For years, peace activists in Palestine have been teaming up with other peace activists in Israel as well as the United States and Iran to spread a message of love and unity among people of all geographical locations…..regardless of what all the crazy politicians say.
Some of the most popular of these efforts is the Palestine loves Israel and Israel loves Palestine campaigns, which started out as a viral Facebook phenomena where Palestinians and Israelis would send messages of love to one another and reassure each other that the hateful rhetoric put forward by governments and media outlets are totally out of line with the true feelings of the average person.
Also, just last year an Israeli metal band called Orphaned Land joined forces with the Palestinian band Khalas for an 18 gig tour that visited 6 different countries. The purpose of the tour was to promote peace and unity between the Palestinian and Israeli people. The bands even lived together and shared a tour bus throughout the duration of their travels.
Below is some footage taken from the marches.
This article was first published at TheFreeThoughtProject.com