Not only is too sexy for his shirt, he’s too sexy for the entire nation of Saudi Arabia.
If Internet speculation is proven correct (and when is it not?), Al Gala is one of three men deported last week over fears they would whip Saudi women into an unholy frenzy.
The actor, photographer and model — through his Facebook page — neither confirmed nor denied he was involved.
However, he did provide a link to one story with the comment, “This is what written in newspapers in over the world,” according to the Telegraph.
The manhunt began last week when the Arab-language newspaper Elaph reported Saudi authorities deported three men with the UAE delegation from the Jenadrivah Heritage and Culture Festival in Riyadh.
“A festival official said the three Emiratis were taken out on the grounds they are too handsome and that the Commission [for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vices] members feared female visitors could fall for them,” Elaph reported, according to the Telegraph.
There was also an unnamed UAE female singer slated to perform who might have generated concern, Elaph said.
Saudi Arabia has strict rules preventing women from associating with men they aren’t related to.
This article originally was published at Global Post.