The historic uprising against police brutality that has raged through Minneapolis, Minnesota over the past weeks has captured the imagination of disenfranchised people the world over. That uprising, sparked by the police murder of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who begged for his life as a police officer knelt on his neck for over eight minutes, has now spread across America and the world. Photographer and independent journalist Emma Fiala captured some of those historic moments in these stunning photos captured exclusively for MintPress News.
Minneapolis police officers line up next to the Minneapolis Police Third Precinct as protesters shout over barricades on May 27.A young community member encourages protesters to chant during a justice for George Floyd march through downtown Saint Paul on June 5.A large group marches past the Minnesota State Capitol during a justice for George Floyd rally and march that began at Keith Ellison’s office on June 5.The Minneapolis City Council announced at a community gathering in Powderhorn Park that they will work to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department, on June 7.George Floyd’s casket is wheeled from the chapel at North Central University in Minneapolis before being placed in a hearse after a memorial service attended by his family, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, and others on June 4.A sticker featuring a cartoon by Carlos Latuff can be seen at the intersection of 38th and Chicago (the site of George Floyd’s murder) in south Minneapolis on June 6.Protesters hear from community leaders and others outside of the Minneapolis Public Library in downtown Minneapolis on June 3.Flowers and signs are neatly arranged beneath a mural of George Floyd on the side of Cup Foods in South Minneapolis on June 2.Art covers the building and light pole outside of Cup Foods at 38th and Chicago in South Minneapolis on June 2.Community members gather outside of Cup Foods on the night of June 2, where George Floyd was murdered by Minneapolis Police.A young protester leads chants in front of the Minnesota State Capitol in Saint Paul, Minnesota on June 1.Protesters engage in a collective deep breath at a large protest at the intersection of 4th and Hennepin in downtown Minneapolis on June 4.Protesters raise their fists in unison during a peaceful rally on the steps of the Minnesota State Capitol on June 1.Protesters take turns taking photos in front of National Guard vehicles during a peaceful rally in front of the Minnesota State Capitol on June 1.Minnesota National Guard troops and vehicles block the entrance to the Minnesota State Capitol in St. Paul during a peaceful rally on May 31.Protesters watch speakers and the massive crowd during a peaceful rally at the Minnesota State Capitol on May 31.People walk past the remains of the burned Minnehaha Lake Liquors at the intersection of Minnehaha and Lake in South Minneapolis on May 29. It was burned during the continued uprising after the murder of George Floyd.The remains of a large building at 27th and Lake in Minneapolis on May 29. The building was burned along with many others the night of May 28 and housed the Town Talk Diner, the Paraiso Lounge lounge, a MoneyGram, and more.The Minneapolis Third Precinct building is seen burning after police were forced to leave and protesters eventually overtook it, setting fires inside, on the night of May 29.Saint Paul Police Officers block University Avenue in Minneapolis as smoke from a nearby fire fills the sky on May 28.The remains of the Autozone can be seen at Lake and Minnehaha in South Minneapolis on May 28 after it was burned during protests the night before.Protesters hold up their signs at a large rally for justice for George Floyd on the lawn of the Minnesota State Capitol on May 31.Protesters hold up their signs at a large rally for justice for George Floyd on the lawn of the Minnesota State Capitol on May 31.Minnesota State Patrol and Minnesota National Guard troops surround the State Capitol in St. Paul during a peaceful rally on May 31.Native dancers can be seen in traditional regalia on the steps of the Minnesota State Capitol during a large peaceful rally on May 31.The Minnesota State Capitol surrounded by Minnesota State Troopers and Minnesota National Guard troops on the night of May 30.The night sky fills with smoke as Autozone burns in South Minneapolis at the intersection of Lake and Minnehaha on the night of May 27.Saint Paul Police pushed protesters from University Ave into a residential neighborhood, firing tear gas and rubber bullets, on May 28.Minneapolis Police Officers position themselves in front of the Third Precinct building in South Minneapolis after protesters throw rocks and water bottles, breaking some of the windows, on May 27.Protesters run from police firing tear gas from the Discount Tire Co. parking lot on University Ave in Saint Paul on May 28.A makeshift barricade is constructed across Minnehaha Ave just north of the Minneapolis Police Third Precinct as protesters look toward the police line on May 27.Saint Paul Fire Fighters attempt to put out a fire on University Avenue in Saint Paul, one of many fires burning in the Twin Cities on May 28.The remains of a burned Wendy’s with smoke still rising from the rubble near the Minneapolis Police 3rd Precinct building on May 28.A firework explodes after being tossed into a burning barricade constructed by protesters on Minnehaha Ave in South Minneapolis on the night of May 27.A man holds up his middle fingers toward Minneapolis Police officers after they repeatedly shoot rubber bullets at him as he attempts to retrieve his vehicle that is parked near them on the night of May 27.A man shots at Minneapolis police at the intersection of Minnehaha and Lake in south Minneapolis on May 27.Protesters are tear gassed at the intersection of Lake and Minnehaha in Minneapolis after water bottles and rocks were thrown at the police and the precinct building on May 27.Protesters stand on top of Minnehaha Liquors across the street from the Minneapolis Police Third Precinct on May 27.
Feature photo | A man holds up his middle fingers toward Minneapolis Police officers after they repeatedly shoot rubber bullets at him as he attempts to retrieve his vehicle that is parked near them on the night of May 27.
Emma Fiala is a documentary photographer, mom of two, and an independent journalist. Her stories have been featured on MintPress News, the Anti-Media, Media Roots, and Steemit. Find her on Twitter.
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